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Dienstag, 18. Mai 2004
Sicherheit geht vor im Internet!
michael.mollnhuber.uni-linz, 08:51h
Sicherheit im Internet ist nach den Verbrauchern zu urteilen derzeit eines der Top Themen bezüglich Internet. Dies ist auch angesichts der zahlreichen unseriösen Spam Mails und der Masse von Viren, die auf sehr hinterlistigen Wegen per Email an die Verbraucher gelangen, nicht verwunderlich. Ich bin jeden Tag erstaunt darüber, wie viel Datenmüll diese unseriösen Emails verursachen können und wie viele Personen erneut in dieses dubiose Geschäft einsteigen.
Auch auf der alljährlichen Computermesse der Cebit wird die Sicherheit im Internet immer wieder diskutiert. Fast zwei Drittel aller Internet-Nutzer gaben im Vorfeld der diesjährigen Computer-Schau an, wirksame Technologien für eine sichere Datenübertragung stünden für sie im Vordergrund. So zögern viele Internet-Nutzer noch, ihre Kreditkarten-Nummer in einer E-Mail zu verschicken, was meiner Meinung auch sehr berechtigt ist. In der Regel werden Daten im Internet noch immer ungeschützt übertragen, wodurch sie abgefangen, gespeichert oder verfälscht werden können. Die Lösung heißt Verschlüsselung - eine Technologie, zu der auf der Cebit zahlreiche Neuheiten vorgestellt werden. Für Privatleute sind Programme zur Verschlüsselung beispielsweise von E-Mails wie "Pretty Good Privacy" (PGP) kostenlos. In der Praxis ist die Verschlüsselung jedoch umständlich: Absender und Empfänger müssen das gleiche Programm verwenden und vorher ihre Schlüssel austauschen. Derzeit wird international über Restriktionen bei der Anwendung von Verschlüsselungstechniken diskutiert. Nicht alle Staaten räumen ihren Bürgern ein "Grundrecht" zur freien Wahl und zum Einsatz von Verschlüsselungstechniken ein. Einige Regierungen erlauben nur Nachschlüsselverfahren (Key Escrow), in denen ein "General-" bzw. "Zweitschlüssel" bei einer staatlich zugänglichen Stelle hinterlegt werden muss. Solche Techniken sind bei den Anwendern nicht sonderlich beliebt. In den USA unterliegt Verschlüsselungssoftware sogar der Waffengesetzgebung. In Europa tendiert man eher zum freien Gebrauch von Verschlüsselungssoftware. Steganografie Steganografie kommt aus dem Griechischen und bedeutet so viel wie "geheimes Schreiben". Mit steganografischen Programmen, die Freeware - also gratis - erhältlich sind, kann man Texte (auch verschüsselte Texte) in Grafik- oder Tondateien einbinden, ohne daß es auf den ersten Blick zu bemerken ist. Einer solchen E-Mail sieht mann nicht an, dass in der mitgeschickten Datei oder sogar im Text die eigentliche Information versteckt ist. Bei können kurze Botschaften in typische Werbe-E-Mails (Spam) verwandelt werden. Links: (Programme) ... comment
Donnerstag, 20. Mai 2004, 09:24
Deinen Link zur Seite finde ich interessant. Dort wird eine sehr unorthodoxe Lösung dafür, dass verschlüsselte Botschaften, die via e-Mail versandt werden, als solche problemlos erkennbar sind, vorgeschlagen:
Man gibt seinen Text auf der Seite an, dieser wird in eine sinnlose Spam-Nachricht umgewandelt. Die Nachricht kann dann als Klartext versandt werden. Wer diese Mail abfängt, würde sie als Spam-Mail klassifizieren und ihr nicht weiter Beachtung schenken. Der Empfänger kann den Text wiederum auf die Spammimic-Seite hineinkopieren und kann die Originalnachricht lesen. Die Beiträge, die ich ich zur Verschlüsselungsproblematik verfasst habe, sind hier zu finden. Der erste Absatz dieses Kommentars sieht - mithilfe von Spammimic verschlüsselt - folgendermaßen aus: Dear E-Commerce professional ; This letter was specially selected to be sent to you . This is a one time mailing there is no need to request removal if you won't want any more . This mail is being sent in compliance with Senate bill 1621 , Title 2 ; Section 302 ! This is not multi-level marketing ! Why work for somebody else when you can become rich as few as 32 DAYS . Have you ever noticed people are much more likely to BUY with a credit card than cash and people love convenience . Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this . We will help you SELL MORE and sell more ! You can begin at absolutely no cost to you . But don't believe us . Mr Simpson who resides in Texas tried us and says "Now I'm rich, Rich, RICH" . We are a BBB member in good standing ! You will blame yourself forever if you don't order now . Sign up a friend and you'll get a discount of 90% . Warmest regards ! Dear Internet user , Especially for you - this red-hot info ! We will comply with all removal requests ! This mail is being sent in compliance with Senate bill 2416 ; Title 7 , Section 309 . This is not multi-level marketing . Why work for somebody else when you can become rich within 84 WEEKS ! Have you ever noticed people are much more likely to BUY with a credit card than cash and how many people you know are on the Internet . Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this . WE will help YOU increase customer response by 110% plus turn your business into an E-BUSINESS ! You are guaranteed to succeed because we take all the risk . But don't believe us ! Ms Jones of Utah tried us and says "I've been poor and I've been rich - rich is better" . We assure you that we operate within all applicable laws ! Because the Internet operates on "Internet time" you must act now ! Sign up a friend and you'll get a discount of 90% . Thank-you for your serious consideration of our offer ! Dear Friend , This letter was specially selected to be sent to you . We will comply with all removal requests . This mail is being sent in compliance with Senate bill 1623 , Title 6 , Section 303 ! This is not a get rich scheme ! Why work for somebody else when you can become rich inside 33 weeks . Have you ever noticed nobody is getting any younger and people love convenience ! Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this . WE will help YOU use credit cards on your website plus sell more . You are guaranteed to succeed because we take all the risk . But don't believe us . Prof Jones of Connecticut tried us and says "I was skeptical but it worked for me" ! This offer is 100% legal . You have no reason not to act now ! Sign up a friend and you'll get a discount of 70% . God Bless ! Dear Salaryman , Especially for you - this amazing information ! If you are not interested in our publications and wish to be removed from our lists, simply do NOT respond and ignore this mail . This mail is being sent in compliance with Senate bill 2316 , Title 5 ; Section 305 . THIS IS NOT A GET RICH SCHEME ! Why work for somebody else when you can become rich inside 98 MONTHS ! Have you ever noticed most everyone has a cellphone & more people than ever are surfing the web . Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this . WE will help YOU process your orders within seconds and deliver goods right to the customer's doorstep . The best thing about our system is that it is absolutely risk free for you ! But don't believe us . Ms Simpson who resides in Oklahoma tried us and says "My only problem now is where to park all my cars" ! This offer is 100% legal ! For God's sake, order now ! Sign up a friend and your friend will be rich too ! Cheers ! Dear Cybercitizen ; We know you are interested in receiving amazing announcement . If you are not interested in our publications and wish to be removed from our lists, simply do NOT respond and ignore this mail ! This mail is being sent in compliance with Senate bill 2516 , Title 5 , Section 308 ! This is NOT unsolicited bulk mail . Why work for somebody else when you can become rich inside 86 weeks ! Have you ever noticed nobody is getting any younger and most everyone has a cellphone ! Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this ! We will help you use credit cards on your website plus SELL MORE . You are guaranteed to succeed because we take all the risk . But don't believe us ! Prof Simpson who resides in Georgia tried us and says "Now I'm rich, Rich, RICH" . We are a BBB member in good standing ! Because the Internet operates on "Internet time" you must act now ! Sign up a friend and you'll get a discount of 40% . Warmest regards ! Dear Friend , Especially for you - this cutting-edge intelligence . We will comply with all removal requests ! This mail is being sent in compliance with Senate bill 1916 ; Title 9 ; Section 305 ! This is different than anything else you've seen ! Why work for somebody else when you can become rich within 99 weeks . Have you ever noticed society seems to be moving faster and faster and how many people you know are on the Internet . Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this . WE will help YOU decrease perceived waiting time by 190% & deliver goods right to the customer's doorstep ! You are guaranteed to succeed because we take all the risk . But don't believe us . Ms Anderson of South Carolina tried us and says "Now I'm rich, Rich, RICH" . We are a BBB member in good standing ! Do not delay - order today ! Sign up a friend and your friend will be rich too . God Bless ! Dear Salaryman ; This letter was specially selected to be sent to you . This is a one time mailing there is no need to request removal if you won't want any more ! This mail is being sent in compliance with Senate bill 1624 ; Title 3 , Section 305 ! THIS IS NOT A GET RICH SCHEME ! Why work for somebody else when you can become rich as few as 33 days ! Have you ever noticed most everyone has a cellphone and nobody is getting any younger . Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this . WE will help YOU turn your business into an E-BUSINESS and turn your business into an E-BUSINESS ! You are guaranteed to succeed because we take all the risk ! But don't believe us . Prof Jones of Delaware tried us and says "My only problem now is where to park all my cars" ! We are licensed to operate in all states ! We beseech you - act now ! Sign up a friend and you'll get a discount of 90% ! God Bless . Dear Friend , This letter was specially selected to be sent to you ! We will comply with all removal requests ! This mail is being sent in compliance with Senate bill 2616 , Title 8 ; Section 305 . Do NOT confuse us with Internet scam artists ! Why work for somebody else when you can become rich in 34 MONTHS . Have you ever noticed most everyone has a cellphone and nearly every commercial on television has a .com on in it ! Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this ! WE will help YOU use credit cards on your website & use credit cards on your website . The best thing about our system is that it is absolutely risk free for you ! But don't believe us . Mr Simpson of Wisconsin tried us and says "My only problem now is where to park all my cars" . This offer is 100% legal ! We beseech you - act now . Sign up a friend and your friend will be rich too ! Warmest regards . Dear Professional , This letter was specially selected to be sent to you . We will comply with all removal requests ! This mail is being sent in compliance with Senate bill 2016 , Title 4 ; Section 305 . This is not multi-level marketing ! Why work for somebody else when you can become rich inside 74 WEEKS . Have you ever noticed people love convenience plus how long the line-ups are at bank machines ! Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this . WE will help YOU process your orders within seconds and deliver goods right to the customer's doorstep . You can begin at absolutely no cost to you . But don't believe us ! Ms Anderson of Idaho tried us and says "I was skeptical but it worked for me" ! This offer is 100% legal . If not for you then for your loved ones - act now ! Sign up a friend and you'll get a discount of 20% . Warmest regards ! Dear Friend ; This letter was specially selected to be sent to you ! If you are not interested in our publications and wish to be removed from our lists, simply do NOT respond and ignore this mail . This mail is being sent in compliance with Senate bill 2716 , Title 5 , Section 309 . This is NOT unsolicited bulk mail . Why work for somebody else when you can become rich inside 78 WEEKS ! Have you ever noticed people are much more likely to BUY with a credit card than cash and people will do almost anything to avoid mailing their bills ! Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this . We will help you turn your business into an E-BUSINESS and turn your business into an E-BUSINESS ! The best thing about our system is that it is absolutely risk free for you . But don't believe us . Prof Jones of Hawaii tried us and says "I was skeptical but it worked for me" . We are a BBB member in good standing ! You have no reason not to act now . Sign up a friend and you'll get a discount of 80% . Warmest regards ! Dear Colleague , Your email address has been submitted to us indicating your interest in our newsletter . If you no longer wish to receive our publications simply reply with a Subject: of "REMOVE" and you will immediately be removed from our directory ! This mail is being sent in compliance with Senate bill 1621 , Title 3 ; Section 304 . This is a ligitimate business proposal ! Why work for somebody else when you can become rich as few as 86 weeks ! Have you ever noticed people are much more likely to BUY with a credit card than cash and society seems to be moving faster and faster . Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this ! WE will help YOU process your orders within seconds plus process your orders within seconds . You are guaranteed to succeed because we take all the risk ! But don't believe us . Mr Ames who resides in Florida tried us and says "My only problem now is where to park all my cars" ! We are licensed to operate in all states . We BESEECH you - act now ! Sign up a friend and you get half off ! Thanks ! Dear Friend ; This letter was specially selected to be sent to you ! This is a one time mailing there is no need to request removal if you won't want any more . This mail is being sent in compliance with Senate bill 1625 ; Title 9 ; Section 306 ! This is not multi-level marketing . Why work for somebody else when you can become rich in 60 DAYS . Have you ever noticed people are much more likely to BUY with a credit card than cash and people love convenience . Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this ! WE will help YOU decrease perceived waiting time by 130% plus turn your business into an E-BUSINESS . The best thing about our system is that it is absolutely risk free for you ! But don't believe us ! Mrs Anderson of West Virginia tried us and says "Now I'm rich, Rich, RICH" . This offer is 100% legal . We urge you to contact us today for your own future financial well-being ! Sign up a friend and you'll get a discount of 30% . Thank-you for your serious consideration of our offer . Dear Salaryman ; This letter was specially selected to be sent to you . If you are not interested in our publications and wish to be removed from our lists, simply do NOT respond and ignore this mail ! This mail is being sent in compliance with Senate bill 2416 , Title 3 , Section 307 . Do NOT confuse us with Internet scam artists ! Why work for somebody else when you can become rich within 99 WEEKS . Have you ever noticed how many people you know are on the Internet and how many people you know are on the Internet ! Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this ! WE will help YOU decrease perceived waiting time by 170% & decrease perceived waiting time by 200% . You are guaranteed to succeed because we take all the risk . But don't believe us ! Mr Simpson of Connecticut tried us and says "I've been poor and I've been rich - rich is better" ! This offer is 100% legal ! Do not delay - order today . Sign up a friend and you get half off . Thank-you for your serious consideration of our offer . Dear Internet user , Especially for you - this cutting-edge intelligence ! If you no longer wish to receive our publications simply reply with a Subject: of "REMOVE" and you will immediately be removed from our directory . This mail is being sent in compliance with Senate bill 2116 , Title 4 , Section 305 ! THIS IS NOT MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING . Why work for somebody else when you can become rich inside 92 days ! Have you ever noticed the baby boomers are more demanding than their parents and nobody is getting any younger ! Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this ! WE will help YOU process your orders within seconds and SELL MORE ! You are guaranteed to succeed because we take all the risk . But don't believe us . Mr Ames of Indiana tried us and says "My only problem now is where to park all my cars" . We assure you that we operate within all applicable laws ! If not for you then for your loved ones - act now . Sign up a friend and you'll get a discount of 50% ! God Bless ! Dear Sir or Madam ; This letter was specially selected to be sent to you ! If you no longer wish to receive our publications simply reply with a Subject: of "REMOVE" and you will immediately be removed from our mailing list ! This mail is being sent in compliance with Senate bill 1621 ; Title 6 ; Section 309 . This is NOT unsolicited bulk mail ! Why work for somebody else when you can become rich as few as 30 weeks . Have you ever noticed people will do almost anything to avoid mailing their bills & people will do almost anything to avoid mailing their bills . Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this ! We will help you increase customer response by 110% and turn your business into an E-BUSINESS ! The best thing about our system is that it is absolutely risk free for you ! But don't believe us . Prof Anderson of Delaware tried us and says "My only problem now is where to park all my cars" ! This offer is 100% legal . You have no reason not to act now ! Sign up a friend and you'll get a discount of 70% . Cheers ! Dear Cybercitizen ; Your email address has been submitted to us indicating your interest in our newsletter ! This is a one time mailing there is no need to request removal if you won't want any more ! This mail is being sent in compliance with Senate bill 1816 ; Title 6 , Section 302 ! This is not multi-level marketing ! Why work for somebody else when you can become rich as few as 83 MONTHS . Have you ever noticed society seems to be moving faster and faster & nearly every commercial on television has a .com on in it ! Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this . WE will help YOU increase customer response by 200% and sell more ! You can begin at absolutely no cost to you . But don't believe us ! Mr Anderson of Oklahoma tried us and says "My only problem now is where to park all my cars" . This offer is 100% legal ! Because the Internet operates on "Internet time" you must act now ! Sign up a friend and you'll get a discount of 70% . God Bless ! Dear Salaryman , You made the right decision when you signed up for our directory ! If you are not interested in our publications and wish to be removed from our lists, simply do NOT respond and ignore this mail ! This mail is being sent in compliance with Senate bill 2316 , Title 5 ; Section 305 . This is a ligitimate business proposal ! Why work for somebody else when you can become rich inside 43 days ! Have you ever noticed most everyone has a cellphone and how long the line-ups are at bank machines . Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this . WE will help YOU increase customer response by 150% & deliver goods right to the customer's doorstep . You can begin at absolutely no cost to you ! But don't believe us ! Mr Anderson who resides in Texas tried us and says "Now I'm rich many more things are possible" ! We are licensed to operate in all states . DO NOT DELAY - order today . Sign up a friend and your friend will be rich too . Thanks . Dear Decision maker ; Especially for you - this red-hot news ! If you are not interested in our publications and wish to be removed from our lists, simply do NOT respond and ignore this mail . This mail is being sent in compliance with Senate bill 1620 , Title 8 , Section 301 ! THIS IS NOT MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING ! Why work for somebody else when you can become rich inside 87 MONTHS . Have you ever noticed people love convenience & people love convenience ! Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this ! We will help you process your orders within seconds and turn your business into an E-BUSINESS . You can begin at absolutely no cost to you . But don't believe us . Mrs Jones of Missouri tried us and says "I've been poor and I've been rich - rich is better" . We are a BBB member in good standing . Because the Internet operates on "Internet time" you must act now . Sign up a friend and you get half off ! Warmest regards ! Dear Friend , Your email address has been submitted to us indicating your interest in our newsletter ! If you no longer wish to receive our publications simply reply with a Subject: of "REMOVE" and you will immediately be removed from our database ! This mail is being sent in compliance with Senate bill 2416 , Title 5 ; Section 302 . This is not a get rich scheme ! Why work for somebody else when you can become rich in 93 months ! Have you ever noticed nobody is getting any younger and nearly every commercial on television has a .com on in it ! Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this ! We will help you SELL MORE plus decrease perceived waiting time by 140% ! You can begin at absolutely no cost to you ! But don't believe us ! Prof Anderson of West Virginia tried us and says "I was skeptical but it worked for me" . We assure you that we operate within all applicable laws . Because the Internet operates on "Internet time" you must act now ! Sign up a friend and you get half off ! Thank-you for your serious consideration of our offer . ... link ... comment
Montag, 31. Mai 2004, 09:32
Sind Restriktionen wirklich sinnvoll!
Ich kann mich deiner Argumentation bezüglich dem Thema "Sicherheit geht vor im Internet" nur anschließen. Ich bin auch jedesmal erstaunt, vieviele Spam-Mails ich pro Tag bekomme. Bezüglich Zahlung mittels Kreditkarte gehören auch zu jenen, welche eher zögern ihre Nummer zu verschicken.
Daher glaube ich nicht, dass es sinnvoll ist bei der Anwendung von Verschlüsselungstechniken Einschränkungen zu machen. In der Wirtschaft macht die Übermittlung von Daten den größten Teil aus und es kann dadurch effizienter gearbeitet werden. Meiner Meinung nach kann durch eine Restriktion der Verschlüsselungstechniken auch kein Terroranschlag verhindert werden, wie von amerikanischer Seite immer wieder argumentiert wird. ... link ... comment
Montag, 31. Mai 2004, 19:58
Diese Seite finde ich genial. ich hätte nie damit gerechnet, dass man Spams auch sinnvoll einsetzten kann. eine echt tolle Idee, die die Erfinder da hatten. Das wäre eine Alternative für Privatleute, die sich nicht ewig damit aufhalten wollen ihre Mails zu verschlüsseln. Ein Kirtikpunkt wäre jedoch, dass der Empfänger vorher darüber informiert werden muss, dass er so eine Mail erhält und er sie auf der selben Seite entschlüsseln muss. Ich bin mir jetzt zwar nicht sicher, aber was ist mit E-mail Programmen, wo die Spams sofort gelöscht werden??? Gibt es solche? Naja ich finde die Idee auf jeden Fall klasse, und alle die sich mit Quantenverschlüsselung (mein beitrag handelt davon) nicht auskennen, sollten doch mal die "Spamverschlüsselung" versuchen. macht bestimmt Spass. Danke für diesen Link!!! ... link ... comment
Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2004, 16:59
Regulierung der Kryptographie
vgl. in diesem Zusammenhang mein Kommentar zu einem Beitrag von Marlene Zöttl
... link ... comment
Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2004, 19:26
Spam mal anders!
Nachdem ich diesem Beitrag über Sicherheit im Internet gelesen habe, musste ich natürlich gleich die Seite besuchen und ich muss sagen, ich war ziemlich überrascht, dass man den ansonsten lästigen Spam Mails auch mal was positives abgewinnen kann. Wie bestimmt auch andere unter euch werde ich regelmäßig mit Spam Mails überschüttet. Ich finde es ist aber eine witzige Idee, kurze Nachrichten an Freunde zu verschlüsseln und als Spam zu „tarnen“ und ich werde das Programm bestimmt irgendwann mal ausprobieren.
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