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Sonntag, 29. Januar 2006
Portscan mein PC
Barbara.Voglsberger.Uni-Linz, 15:21h
Das Ergebnis meines Portscan:
Kurz eine Zusammenfassung. Fast alle meine Ports sind geschlossen, bis auf FTP, Telnet, WEb, Ident und ICMP. Dieser Scan ist eigentlich ganz interessant, weil ich so erkennen kann, wo die Schwachstellen bei meinem PC liegen, und wo ich unbedingt etwas ändern sollte. Das Ergbnis ist folgendes: You are not fully protected: We have detected that some of our probes connected with your computer. Ich hab es leider so einfügen müssen, weil die Bildschirmkopie nicht funktioniert hat, aber ich hab es!!! Service Ports Status Additional Information FTP DATA 20 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. FTP 21 OPEN File Transfer Protocol is used to transfer files between computers. A misconfigured FTP server can allow an attacker to transfer files, Trojan horses, and virus programs at will. SSH 22 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. TELNET 23 OPEN Telnet is used to remotely create a shell (dos prompt), this can allow an attacker to control your system as if he was sitting in front of it. SMTP 25 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. DNS 53 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. DCC 59 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. FINGER 79 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. WEB 80 OPEN HTTP web services publish web pages. A misconfigured web server can not only offer an attacker needed information about his target, but it can allow for various security breaches. POP3 110 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. IDENT 113 OPEN Ident is often used for IRC (chat), but also provides information about your system and who is using it. Location Service 135 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. NetBIOS 139 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. HTTPS 443 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. Server Message Block 445 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. SOCKS PROXY 1080 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. UPnP 5000 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. WEB PROXY 8080 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed. Results from scan of commonly used trojans at TCP/IP address: Service Ports Status Possible Trojans Trojan 1243 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. Trojan 1999 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. Trojan 6776 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. Trojan 7789 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. Trojan 12345 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. Trojan 31337 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. Trojan 54320 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. Trojan 54321 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. Results from scan of ICMP at TCP/IP address: Protocol Type Status Additional Information ICMP 8 OPEN An ICMP ping request is usually used to test Internet access. However, an attacker can use it to determine if your computer is available and what OS you are running. This gives him valuable information when he is determining what type of attack to use against you. ... comment |
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