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Sonntag, 25. Juni 2006
Norbert.Leeb.Uni-Linz, 15:54h
Ping [] mit 32 Bytes Daten: Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=38ms TTL=250 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=50ms TTL=250 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=38ms TTL=250 Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=37ms TTL=250 Ping-Statistik für Pakete: Gesendet = 4, Empfangen = 4, Verloren = 0 (0% Verlust), Ca. Zeitangaben in Millisek.: Minimum = 37ms, Maximum = 50ms, Mittelwert = 40ms C:\>tracert Routenverfolgung zu [] über maximal 30 Abschnitte: 1 28 ms 23 ms 22 ms [] 2 19 ms 14 ms 23 ms 3 20 ms 33 ms 37 ms [ ] 4 27 ms 36 ms 34 ms [] 5 32 ms 26 ms 23 ms [] 6 31 ms 38 ms 29 ms [] Ablaufverfolgung beendet. Ideally your status should be "Blocked". This indicates that your ports are not only closed, but they are completely hidden (stealthed) to attackers. Service Ports Status Additional Information FTP DATA 20 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. FTP 21 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. SSH 22 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. TELNET 23 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. SMTP 25 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. DNS 53 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. DCC 59 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. FINGER 79 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. WEB 80 OPEN HTTP web services publish web pages. A misconfigured web server can not only offer an attacker needed information about his target, but it can allow for various security breaches. POP3 110 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. IDENT 113 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. Location Service 135 OPEN Microsoft relies upon DCE Locator service (RPC) to remotely manage services like DHCP server, DNS server and WINS server. NetBIOS 139 OPEN NetBios is used to share files through your Network Neighborhood. If you are connected to the internet with this open, you could be sharing your whole hard drive with the world! This is a very dangerous port to have open. HTTPS 443 OPEN Secure Web Servers are often used by banks and online vendors. Server Message Block 445 OPEN In Windows 2000, Microsoft added the possibility to run SMB directly over TCP/IP, without the extra layer of NBT. SOCKS PROXY 1080 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed. UPnP 5000 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. WEB PROXY 8080 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. Results from scan of commonly used trojans at TCP/IP address: Service Ports Status Possible Trojans Trojan 1243 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. Trojan 1999 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. Trojan 6776 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. Trojan 7789 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. Trojan 12345 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. Trojan 31337 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. Trojan 54320 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. Trojan 54321 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities. Results from scan of ICMP at TCP/IP address: Protocol Type Status Additional Information ICMP 8 OPEN An ICMP ping request is usually used to test Internet access. However, an attacker can use it to determine if your computer is available and what OS you are running. This gives him valuable information when he is determining what type of attack to use against you. You are not fully protected: We have detected that some of our probes connected with your computer. Ich habe derzweit keine Firewall installiert daher sind einige Ports offen. ... link (0 comments) ... comment Mittwoch, 12. April 2006
CMS Content Management System
Norbert.Leeb.Uni-Linz, 09:17h
CMS Content Management
System "CMS steht für Content Management System. "Meist Webbasiertes (WCMS) System zur redaktionellen Bearbeitung von Internetseiten." "Content Management Systeme unterscheiden sich von Portal-Systemen und Web-Content-Management-Systemen, die vor allem die Aufgabe haben, das Zusammenspiel zwischen den Benutzern und der Website zu steuern. Der Benutzer sollte das System auch ohne Programmierkenntnisse bedienen können, ebenso sollte er das System auch ohne Kenntnis von HTML oder XML benutzen können. Besonderen Wert wird auch auf eine medienneutrale Datenhaltung gelegt. So sollte ein Inhalt auf Wunsch beispielsweise als PDF oder als HTML-Dokument abrufbar sein können, indem die Formate zur Laufzeit aus der Datenbank generiert werden. Auch Barrierefreiheit sollte vom System unterstützt werden. Je nach Anwendung kann auch eine Rechteverwaltung von Bedeutung sein." (Quelle: wikipedia,2006) Ein CMS ist also eine Software, die es jedem ermöglicht, ohne Kenntnisse von HTML oder einer Programmiersprache, die Inhalte einer Intranet- oder Internetpräsenz zu verwalten bzw. zu pflegen. Unter dem Wort "Content" sind die Inhalte (Texte, Grafiken, Bilder, Video, Audio, ...) zu verstehen. Der Inhalt ist der eigentliche Wert einer Website. Das Layout dient dazu, den Inhalt und die Struktur dem Medium Internet entsprechend optisch zu präsentieren. Diese Aufteilung hat einerseits den Vorteil, dass der Inhalt in einer universellen Form archiviert wird, so dass er auch für andere Medien aufbereitet werden kann. Anderseits ist durch die Trennung von Inhalten und Darstellung eine Änderung des Layouts möglich ohne die Inhalte zu verändern. Content Management Systeme werden heute in allen Bereichen der Wirtschaft und öffentlichen Verwaltung eingesetzt, vom kleinen Handwerksbetrieb bis hin zum milliardenschweren Großkonzern. Beispiele für Content Management Systeme: Bekannt, und meist in grösseren Unternehmen und Konzernen eingesetzt, sind die Systeme TYPO3, als auch Plone auf Basis von Zope. Plone und Typo3 sind überaus mächtige und komplexe CMS mit eigener Scriptsprache. Hohe Popularität im Bereich mittlerer bis großer Websites hat Drupal und Mambo erlangt. Mambo ist aufgrund seiner äußerst intuitiven Benutzeroberfläche und klarer Bedienerführung der Star bei den meisten Benutzern von Content Management Systemen. Ebenfalls erwähnt werde sollte ZOPE, ein Applikationsserver und überaus mächtige CMS Plattform. ZOPE braucht keinen Vergleich mit den anderen Systemen zu scheuen, ist aber aufgrund seiner Nähe zu der weniger verbreiteten Programmiersprache Python und der relativ komplexen Installation weniger häufig zu finden. Es gibt noch etliche andere CMS im Open Source, wie auch im kommerziellen Bereich.
... link (0 comments) ... comment Montag, 27. März 2006
Social Software Norbert.Leeb.Uni-Linz, 18:29h
Social Software
Ziel sozialer Software ist es eine bessere Vernetzung des Geschäfts- oder Privatlebens ("Anmach-Zirkel") mithilfe von Plattformen für Online-Profile und deren Abgleich zu schaffen. Ein offener Standard in der Entwicklung, Friends of a Friend (FOAF), soll persönliche Informationen wie Namen und Interessen von Homepage-Betreiber maschinenlesbar machen und für gezielte Recherchen öffnen. Alles ist für jeden zugänglich und jeder kann seine Meinung und Gedanken
Soziale Software 2.Weblogs
-Motto: Facts in, Spin out.
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C:\>ping Ping []... by Norbert.Leeb.Uni-Linz (2006.06.25, 16:02) CMS Content Management...
CMS Content Management System "CMS steht für... by Norbert.Leeb.Uni-Linz (2006.04.12, 11:01) |