Web 3.0

Auch ich habe den Beitrag als sehr spannend empfunden was die Genauigkeit der Vorhersagen betrifft. Solche Vorhersagen wären auch für das hier und jetzt durchaus interessant. Leider konnte ich nichts Umfassendes wie "Richtung 2000" finden. Dennoch stieß ich bei meiner Suche auf ein sehr interssantes und gut gemachtes Video, welches die Wandlung des Internets beschreibt.



Future Internet - Supported by STI International: http://www.sti2.org

With over a billion users, today's Internet is arguably the most successful human artifact ever created. The Future Internet, an initiative driven by the European Union, has become a prime research focus of STI International and the Service Web 3.0 project. In order to explain, promote, and attract new contributors, we created a video to be viewed by stakeholders, who may be non-experts, in a new generation Internet. The video outlines the basic themes of the European Union's Future Internet initiative. These include: an Internet of Services, where services are ubiquitous; an Internet of Things where in principle every physical object becomes an online addressable resource; a Mobile Internet where 24/7 seamless connectivity over multiple devices is the norm; and the need for semantics in order to meet the challenges presented by the dramatic increase in the scale of content and users.