2nd entry
david.haberfellner.uni-linz, 20. März 2011, 18:59
Hello everybody!
When discussing my topic with some colleagues during the last lesson, I realized that maybe I have chosen the wrong topic or at least the wrong title. My colleagues told me that my topic was too broadly defined, so I revised my paper´s title to be more specific. My colleagues also argued that my topic wasn´t really suitable for a research paper. By the time they said that, I thought that they may be right. So I´m thinking about choosing another topic. Let´s see what Dr. Brewster thinks about it.
I hope I´m not the only one who faces this problem.
It was also quite hard for me to create the outline of my paper because I haven´t done much research yet. This is what made it difficult for me to think about the structure of the paper as a whole. So there is a lot of work to do ;)
See you
stefanie.schwaiger.uni-linz, 20. März 2011, 19:12
Mr. Brewster always says that we have to be happy with our topic and the title, so I think it will be just fine if you revised it. I had to narrow down my proposal a lot too, but I feel like I am slowly getting there...
same experience
christian_bruno.hemetsberger.uni-linz, 22. März 2011, 11:10
Hello David!
I had the same problem as you had. As Stefanie wrote, you have to be the one who likes the topic. Changing the topic or at least concentrating on a specific part is not easy, but in the end we will get papers we can be proud about (at least I hope so)
I wish you a nice week and some good ideas for you paper!
See you