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Home : Stories : OpenSearch and Sherlock search engine support

OpenSearch and Sherlock search engine support

Experimentally I tried to add OpenSearch and Sherlock search engine support to my blog.


OpenSearch is supported by Firefox 2+ and IE 7. Resources:

I created an OpenSearch description file and uploaded it on my blog: opensearch.xml (xml, 1 KB)

Sadly I cannot add the file to the layout itself, so there is a bit of dependency between the layout used and the files in the blog the layout is applied to.

A reference to the OpenSearch description file must be added to the HTML head by updating your layout's main page:
<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href="<% site.url %>getfile?name=opensearch.xml" title="OpenSearch <% site.title %>" />

Browsing my blog should add a search engine option to Firefox and IE.


Sherlock is a searching tool developed by Apple.

Sherlock plugin description file: sherlock.src (src, 1 KB)

Sherlock untested yet.

Update: No success adding sherlock support, probably already outdated? Will stop trying