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Abgabe, Flash Animation

Aufgabenstellung Ziel war das...

(2008-06-25 23:08)

Mai 2008: April     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10111213141516171819202122232425262728 293031  Juni
Home : Stories : Add comment to a story by double-clicking anywhere in the story

Add comment to a story by double-clicking anywhere in the story

I added a feature that allows a user to quickly add a comment to a story by simply double-clicking anywhere within the story text. This is done with the help of a javascript library thats allows to open a popup with a comment edit form.

It was not so easy to add the proper javascript to the skins, especially to hand over the html code to be displayed in the popup. I added custom story and site skins for popup comment form and popup caption
