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Mittwoch, 16. Januar 2008
Fifth class!!1
Blanca.Delcastillo.Uni-Linz, 21:14h
5 CLASS (7/11/2007)
1.4.2. Drawing from said The award of texts is not a new invention in the form of sentence and correction instructions, she was an indispensable tool for writers and editors to instructions for the implementation of a manuscript doing. Even the use of large and small description and bold is a form of the award. Strictly speaking, this is a simple form of physical distinction. Physical award means the document content with certain attributes to the visual representation to describe and has become part of the layout design. In the data processing called the Mount of tags in a conventional text file also labeling. When tags are instructions, which consist of two parts. In between, there is either plain text or another tag. In the latter case, talk of a so-called nesting of tags. Since Tags also from text drawing, it is necessary that these differ from the rest of the text at once. Usually, in the markup languages, like HTML and the Grösser Kleiner characters. The opposite of a markup language are file formats, a spezific coding. For example, you can expect special HTML tags in a text with a particular font, color and size. The Physical award may also refer the entire document cover. To include tags for the indication of the page width also added. Of the difference between the logical distinction of a text, the structure of a document describes. This includes, for example, headings, lists, paragraphs, Rahemn, lists and references. There is, of course, for a reception by the people sense that this text elements also represent different visually. The term is also awarded in the name HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language.That name is also clear that with this language called Hyper Text, which are non-linear lyrics, excellent. The connections between individual hyper text, called Links, a part of the structure of a hypertext there. The objective of the award is a logical addition to the structure, above all, a computer-aided processing of hypertext. For various output devices are certain physical representations different. For various output devices are certain physical representations different. This is in the HTML Cascading Style Sheets are available. This clean segregation of us layout structure is in daily practice in many HTML is not given. Why is that old versions of CSS browser does not support the use of style sheets is still not as widespread. For the most flexible use is a separation of the structure, content and format requirements.The mixture of structure and format in HTML, despite the obvious disadvantages of not more than initially disturbing. The use of formatting commands within a document was also rather the usual WYSIWYG view and we have not even thought of a treatment for a variety of output devices. In the early days of the Internet was an easy-to-learn and easy-to-use tool also important. Thus wore these design weaknesses of HTML significantly to the spread of the WWW. But the latest labor Creating Web pages, the same treatment content sources for different output devices, the application of existing enterprise Style Guides, version management, and from certain project sizes is a clean separation of the structure, content and layout is essential. It seems somewhat restrictive, though always of texts such as Hyper text of the speech, it is still at Internet sites throughout today to multimedia presentations. The concept of hypertext, however, to a close only monomediale representation. The reason for the continued use of the term text is that the description of multimedia web pages also by simple texts. Besides HTML, there are other ways to multimedia documents to structure and save. Together, these data formats that it is mainly due to a physical description of a document designed: Word processing programs Page description languages Document Formats In contrast to HTML, it is in these file formats but to no markup languages and the structure, content and the data in a single file. The possibilities for physical distinction has been in HTML CSS 2.0 a level achieved, even nourished hopes that HTML in the near future as a universal page description language, and as a universal document format will be used. A possible indication of this is in the fact that HTML now all Office-Pakten as of alternative export file format. In contrast to the layout are the tags for structuring content in HTML less advanced . This is not necessarily a disadvantage to be seen as the integration of tags to the physical presentation and the low level language with a reason for the slight learnability of HTML been. In addition, HTML, in contrast to many word processing file formats, Desktop-Publishing file formats to un document formats as a platform file format to be considered. Due to the limited opportunities for structuring content, the use of HTML for the creation of documents for an information-processing little sense. The commands for structuring a document available on the Internet hypertext designed and authoritatively defined without their own extensions are possible. For the simple publishing documents on the Internet that makes sense. Typical Internet documents are not too large claims in terms of structuring options. Adding custom tags in HTML is not desirable, such as not useful, because yes, the Internet is different clients on a defined standard of the language relate. Unlike this layout-oriented tasks, but it looks at data-centric tasks. These are problems, mainly in the storage and transmission of data provided by operating daily incurred. These data have a complex internal structure, and should not be only for a presentation prepared on the Internet, but also the most easily can be processed electronically. A most convenient exchange of documents and an easy-to-use information further processing but also for layout centered desirable. More and more often is for the business daily business, the need for such a layout-oriented software systems within heterogeneous IT infrastructure, but also between the EDV-Lanschaften cooperating organizations. New technical requirements for such systems also come from the leadership of the organizations themselves: there is a vital interest in data and document centered sources with different formats for the Knowledge-based management systems and to merge and process. But also for a more intelligent "search and find" on the Internet, such as search engines and software agents, HTML is not the ultimate savior. For these application areas is not only a cross-platform format required, but it also needs to develop a scope of independent us the opportunity provide any bedeutungsspezifische information in a document. In HTML, there are approaches, such as meta tags to describe a document, but they are not expandable. Is a markup language that is not confined to a given grammar and vocabulary is not expandable, but with the possibility of their own markup language to create, which can arbitrarily complex document structures can be mapped. A markup language that satisfies this is called a meta-language. So far, the most comprehensive approach for such a meta language, SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), which build on the work of GML in the year 1986 standard. SGML is used in many industries for the document management. Quote value are primarily the automotive and defense industries, which are both due to the complex nature of the early SGML documents for their application areas adapt . The disadvantage of SGML that is a very complex and difficult. This promises to remedy the Extensible Markup Language, with the help of SGML has been defined. Basic concepts of Hypertext Markup Language In comparison to a conventional desktop publishing Programe are the design options in W3 still some limits. The development and standardization of HTML but is a constant He further ungso rizess subject, but in addition to the current standard HTML 4.01 and x HTML 1.o of each client developers deviating from the standard implements additional features. With an extensive support of the W • C already standardized CCS-2 is thus a real page design for Web pages possible. Heading As the quell code apparent Could the HTML document with any text editor or word processing has been applied. Every HTML document begins with the day </ html>. Too formatted text is basically at the beginning of one-and final-Tag marked with the final-tag a slash (1) are presented. Such a comprehensive text tags are also containers. The opposite of this are tags that are not final-tag, such as the first day in these key from Abb.I-2.7.Das day <DOCTYPE> is optional, and refers to the HTML version, and used language In actual textteil there is a lot more opportunities, single-day u setzn. Can titles in six different sizes are defined, but the definition of font and size for each <Hx> tags to W3- Clientes can be set. The syntax is <Hx> text </ Hz>, where x is a number between 1 and 6, and the headings - defined level. To sign so-called style formatting tags are used, the most important are as follows: - Emphasize - strong emphasis. - Bold - italics Listen than enumerating lists, numbered lists, or lists of descriptive executed. An enumerative list starts with the day (Unnumbered List), the individual list entries are like all other forms of Lise with the </ UL> day. Should the individual list entries are numbered, it is with the day (ordered List), and started with the </ OL> tag. A special case is the descriptive list (definition list), whose list of entries with day labeled. The full hypertext functionality in HTML, but only by the possibility of generating links cross-references) to apply. Links with the day (Anchor). For external links to realize the HREF attribute (Hypertext Reference). Embedded graphics and multimedia objects. A picture says more than a thousand words and it is also in W3 using HTML embedded in the graphics a key design element. With the optional ALIGN determines whether the following text above, in the middle or bottom of the image to be published. Multimedia objects are not all W3-Clients processed, but must be equipped with an external helper application or a Browser-Plug-In executed. A special type of graphics integration are called Click Images, the graphics are, by clicking on the various links different areas can be created. Frames are long of the most common browsers, and are now at Version 4.0 component of HTML-Sprachumfanges. Previously, the browser manufacturers developed their own language constructs in the Internet clients. At Frames is a possibility of additional design of hypermedia documents. With the help of frames can be a side window into several smaller ones. Form into HTML documents is a further possibility of interaction in W3. The processing of the data is entered, we at the Clickable images through a server script. Cascading Style Sheets A key feature of a markup language is the separation of HTML is not consistently implemented: There are many tags to layout design. For the separation of layout and structure serve Cascading Style Sheets, with the HTML documents linked, or in an HTML file can be directly involved. The possibilities of using CSS2 come, as far as the client, in the area of layouts far beyond the optical tags for presentation in HTML, and in combination with HTML CSS also suitable as a full page description language, such as PostScript. The issue is not only to a limited visual presentation, there are also commands for the acoustic output. Style sheets can be in the head define an HTML file, although this format information only for such a file. If you want to have a consistent layout across multiple files, it is necessary that this format definitions in a separate file. The use of multiple CSS files is also possible. This is erfordelich when different style sheets for multiple output devices wishes. This is true not only for output devices that use different media, but also for output devices, that the same medium. Thus, for example, has an optical output to a printer, unlike on a monitor. ... comment |
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