6th Blog Entry

caroline.ly.uni-linz, 5. Dezember 2012, 12:52

6th Blog Entry

Sunday, November 18th


This weeks’ homework was to finish the middle part of the paper. Thanks to the sentence outline I didn’t have to do further research. I only enhanced my subcategories and added the right citation. During the writing process I recognized that I have to pay attention to the required number of words. The topic is so interesting and complex that there is much more to write about. As I have finished our task for the next lesson I already had around 2000 words but I realized that I haven’t finished other parts of my paper. So I had to shorten some paragraphs as well as eliminate the one or the other subsection due to the fact that there were still too many aspects of the topic included. Did you have a similar experience or was your paper so well structured from the beginning that you didn’t have to adapt your structure? 



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