Propaedeutikum KOMMENTAR: Top Futuristic Wearables - 2017

michael.kronsteiner.uni-linz, 11. Jänner 2017, 15:25


Der Trend der Wearables scheint unaufhaltsam


Nicht nur die Verkaufszahlen der derzeitig am Markt kursierenden Wearables sind gewaltig gestiegen, sondern auch die Industrie und Forschung, die hinter dieser Technologie steht, ist massiv gewachsen.

Am Konkurrenzmarkt der Wearables scheint es bereits schon um absolute, bzw. komparative Wettbewerbsvorteile - es geht um die Featuregestaltung, das Design, die Möglichkeiten die eigenen Vorstellungen und Bedürfnisse in die Technologie einbringen zu können und vieles mehr.


Im Video werden die innovativsten und technisch hervorragendsten Wearables im Jahre 2017 von 3 Anbieter vorgestellt: Which one is the best ? Decide for yourself ! Ergänzend werden noch wichtige Informationen zu den Produkten - von der jeweiligen Homepage - angeführt.


Quelle 1: Top Futuristic Wearables - 2017


Samsung IOFIT "Train Smarter and Coach Better with IOFIT":

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Technically considered a wearable device, this unique smart shoe is in a category of its own. Developed by Salted Venture, a startup supported by Samsung Electronics, IOFIT is a solution that utilizes a combination of pressure sensors and a coaching app to improve a user’s balance and body posture to enhance one’s fitness routine or golf swing.


There’s so much valuable information coming from our feet, and it’s being wasted,” said Jacob Cho, CEO of Salted Venture. “So, we wanted to make use of this data and utilize it to provide value to people. That was the driving force behind IOFIT.



Microsoft Band 2

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For people who want to live healthier and achieve more there is Microsoft Band. Reach your health and fitness goals by tracking your heart rate, exercise, calorie burn and sleep quality, and be productive with email, text and calendar alerts on your wrist.



OSSIC X: The first 3D audio headphones calibrated to you

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OSSIC X is the world’s first 3D audio headphone that instantly calibrates to the listener, increasing the sense of auditory space, and acoustically recreating the way you hear the world everyday. By pairing advanced 3D audio algorithms with head-tracking and individual anatomy calibration, we deliver incredibly accurate 3D sound to your ears. Experience music like never before. Get more immersed in virtual reality. Bring gaming to the next level.


OSSIC X calibrates to the individual listener’s head and ear features, increasing overall sound quality and ensuring the most accurate sound placement, making for a listening experience that’s ten times more immersive than current technologies.


  • Increased audio immersion 
  • Hear your movies and music like never before 
  • Increased sense of space with your audio content



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Quelle 1: (abgerufen am 8.1.2017)

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Quelle 3: (abgerufen am 8.1.2017)

Quelle 4: (abgerufen am 8.1.2017)


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