Podcasts The Lean Startup: Innovation Through Experimentation
jakob.lehner.uni-linz, 20. Oktober 2010, 11:45
Meiner Meinung nach ein ziemlich interessanter Web 2.0 Vortrag von Eric Ries in dem es darum geht Sachen zu erfinden die keiner braucht, lernend zu scheitern und eine andere Betrachtungsweise bezüglich Unternehmensgründung - Wachstum im Internet.
[Lean Start-up movement concepts have entered the zeitgeist, says Eric Ries. His IT-sector "mid-term report card" shows an industry under pressure, but he says successful entrepreneurs have a superior process: the Lean Start-up process. They Pivot through a Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop. Lean Start-up techniques, such as Innovation Through Experimentation, can be applied to any company, industry, or start-up.
Not many IT "success" stories live up to the raw talent - plus passion, time, and energy - the founders and employees poured into them. This holds true across the IT spectrum, not just start-ups. This leaves us not taking enough risk. It results in faith-based decision-making and products nobody wants.... ]
Der Link: http://itc.conversationsnetwork.org/shows/detail4563.html
Viell. interessierts ja sonst noch wen :)
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