Podcasts The Facebook Era

jakob.lehner.uni-linz, 7. November 2010, 22:23

Ein ziemlich kurzer Vortrag über Facebook von Clara Shih auf der Web 2.0 Conference.

"The information web is quickly becoming the social web. The tactics, tools, and technologies of social networking have demonstrated their universal appeal in just a few short years. Though we interact with our inner circles using these applications the biggest impact of the social web continues to be on our outer circles: friends of friends. It enables us as individuals to amass a new kind of valuable social capital on the fringe.

Clara Shih of Hearsay Labs and author of the book The Facebook Era explains that we are sharing more personal information than ever before with the world through our Facebook profiles, where we define our online identities. This creates unique opportunities for businesses to tailor their messages and customer experiences and to target their markets as never before.

In order to make the best use of this new social capital we must go beyond technical proficiency with the tools to understand the new consumer psychology, the psychology of the Facebook era."


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