Week Nr.3
johann.daemon.uni-linz, 25. März 2012, 17:05
Hello once again!
My paper proposal has changed a lot this week. I even changed the title and specified the research area. My new working title is "Taxation of junk food for children would have positive effects on the health economies of high-income countries". As you see, I have specified the types of food, which should be taxed (junk food for children instead of junk food in general) and on the other hand I have chosen a b broader geographical area (high income countries instead of Austria).
The sentence outline, which we had to write for the next in-class meeting was a very good exercise for me. You have to think of all your arguments at the very beginning of writing a paper. This is quite difficult, but I think it will help me a lot afterwards, as I do not have to develop ideas while I am writing!
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