alois.leibetseder.uni-linz, 4. März 2015, 20:08
"Little Tell " in Frankreich 1987 wird heute 2015 von vielen Usern im Facebook und social medias genau so verwendet. Es sind eben andere Plattformen, doch funktionell zeitlich wiederholt sich alles immer wieder nur mit anderer Technologie. Also creation not new but engineering is transformed in new characters. This gènre is predictabel because there are dosen`t exist new things in our world. See or discover this in the most spreaded book world-wide. The isolated persons increases or accelerated repeatly. This phenomenon is linked to our time releated processes. The revolution happened 1968 and 1986 in France. But it dosen`t matter the time measure is not an intersubjective proofen methode.
In social media time the time is not objective but depended on individuel - photon and time - science measured process. According to Sir Karl Popper as similar the tranformation from knowledgment to sciencement.
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