Poster Presentation

tatiana.bezrukova.uni-linz, 29. Juni 2012, 10:32

I have never had a poster presentation like that before. In fact, I have never created a poster in the way we did in the “Academic Writing” course. I have always seen a poster as a summary of the main points of what I was going to talk about. However, I have never thought that poster should be self-explanatory. This is probably the reason why I needed so much time to create a poster for “Academic Writing”.

I got different feedback on my poster. Mostly it was very positive, my colleagues described my poster as clear, compact and with all the needed information on it. I really liked my poster also, and I think that the amount of money I paid for it in a copy shop (20 euros for one paper sheet L ) was worth it.

During the poster session I made briefly notes to every poster and every presenter I as lucky to listen to. Most of them got a “A” grade from me, however, I was evaluating what the person was saying and how she or he was answering my question. I think that most of the presenters were very well prepared, some of them have even made hand-outs.

I think that this poster session was a great success. I have learned a lot about designing compact, self-explanatory posters.


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