Week 5: I need this article!!

viktoria.zeier.uni-linz, 5. November 2012, 17:55

There is this one article, an article that would fit my topic 100%, but I just can't get access to it. This is very frustrating, I even considered buying it for 20$ but soon realized how stupid this would be. Whenever I write a paper, there comes a moment I read the headline of an article and think: "YES! That is it! This will give me so much information I can use for my paper - this will make life so much easie!" Frequently, I find that getting access to such an article can be challenging to get, yet most of the time it was possible somehow. I used to search all kind of databases, google, google scholar, ebsco and so many more. This leads to success most of the times, but with this wonderful article it did not. It seems like I have to keep on looking for 10 other articles I can get the same amount of useful information out of that this one would probably have provided.

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