7. Blog Entry
katrin.stockmayr.uni-linz, 24. Mai 2011, 15:08
Guys, I need your help!! Does anybody know where I can find this style sheet Dr. Brewster mentioned in class today?
Concerning my paper I need to work on punctuation, but I already knew it before. I thought that it would the best to just not put a comma in there, because of the no comma rule with two exceptions. However, it seems like I have many exceptions in my paper.
What did he say about your paper?! Do you need to revise a lot?
See you soon!!
raffaela.hinterreiter.uni-linz, 26. Mai 2011, 10:23
hey katrin
Unfortunately I also don't know where we can find this style sheet which we should use for getting an idea of how the layout has to look like... Maybe it will be posted until next class?!
Regarding my paper I do not have to revise that much, however I have to correct punctuation and to revise some of my headings as they are grammatically wrong.
After that I will try to bring my paper on a poster or rather prepare a miniature model for the next class.
have a nice week !
kind regards, Raffaela