Mi diario en Linz
Montag, 29. Oktober 2007
Second class
1.1.4.Software ergonomics

The software ergonomics deals with the adjustment of Benutzerschittstelle to the people and its peculiarities in receiving and processing information and knowledge.Software ergonomics is a science in which evidence from psychology, industrial science and the science together led, in order to systematically design goals for tasks appropriate and user-human-computer systems to work.
Three design fields are in the framework of software ergonomics important: the labor system, the dialog behavior and the input / output behavior of computer systems.They determine the user interface for the user than the visible part of an interactive system.

1.1.5 Interaction Techniques

Over time, a number of techniques have emerged Interaction.Their use is primarily dependent on the hardware, software and usage of the situation.
The interaction of the user with the computer is dialogue, there is a mutual exchange of information between the two plays.A specific change has been exacerbated by the personal computer and the capacity of the systems multitasking allowing the user can simultaneously carry a wide variety of actions.Regarding a dialogue with the old thread interplay of dialogue. Command Language

A command language is a formal language for the formulation of orders to the computer. For each contract will require information such operation, in text form.Missing information will be supplemented by standard values, which are fixed or current condition to be removed.

-Major design issues for command languages are:
a)The application design vocabulary
b)The design of abbreviations based on uniform and simple rules
c)The single syntactic structure of commands
d)The comprehensive description of the linguistic expression of possibilities

a)They require no special input devices, which are usually available keyboard
b)They allow the easy recording of past
c)The experienced user can very quickly and efficiently work
d)There are powerful commands feasible

a)High learning, especially for novice and occasional users. It is a use without knowledge of the syntax is not possible.
b)The input is error-prone because commands and parameters need to be reminded
c)Because of the impact area commands of the entire state of the interactive system, it is difficult, the effects of a commando directly control Menu

Through menus, the selection of actions defined in scope.The user chooses from a list of the desired command, which is executed by the computer.If parameters or settings are needed for entering a corresponding further dialogue open.Different types of menus are: permanent fully or partially visible menus and menus displayed on request.For the usability of the menus is their structuring important, it can be a menu item in turn is a sub-menu.This structure can be used in the width and depth.

a)Easy to learn, since commands recognized, and not have to be reminded.
b)Low error rate, since in principle for a command no errors are possible.

a)For experienced users is cumbersome to operate and lasts long
b)The menus are superimposed Anwedungsinformationen manipulation.

This dialog is based on the style exist an instrument show how z.b. The Maus.Der dialog is similar to natural negotiations, it is an object and then select the desired possible negotiations on this subject.


-Low-lernauf wand, as the use in many cases intuitively possible.

- Through the use of known metaphors is a faster erlernbarkeit by the tying of new and old know promoted.

-He is a fast efficient use of the systems is reached, which even for experts in the cases is sufficient.

-Promotion of exploratory learning, it is the users fear a possible use, which his competence-and kontroll awareness increased.


- Inexperienced users need only show the use of the instrument to learn.

- Inadequate analogien between the routine and know the realization comes to metaphor breaks.

- Through the use intuitive ability is the acquisition of specific knowledge, in many cases prevented.

Graphical interface benut.

Graphical interface benut Often in a breath with the direct manipulation Grande, but usually in a mixture of rankig interaktions techniques. leitideen.

The leitideen for graphical benut zero over surfaces.

Users control .
visuella show and also kontroll possibility of automatic transactions, feeling of control.


Echo or any reaction to provide input,
- Pointer changes form
-Object-changing look.
-Menu entry is pale, if not selectable.
-Sattus-row shows progress by the bar or length files.
-Over-view window shows chrittan forts.
- Window event.


Visualles equivalent of the data and functions to show.
Use of logic metephern
Examples: desk with benches, entr skorb, bin, mappen.
Advantages: user has information about sinn and function of the object.


Similar situations
Out-of selectable menu also show.
Data secure document print: always file from choice or always without.


Short messages and commands.


A conflict vitlab.m, vs. functionality. Beauty.

Benutzeroberflächen graphical elements.


The screen can be divided into several excerpts, which refers to as a window warden .Fenster are rectangular and graphically by seuten pointers begrenzt .Fenster allow control of multiple, overlapping one another kepekchirmausschinitte, which work directly excerpts users can be assigned.

The following operations window systems should be made available:
- Create.
- Delete.
- Open: opens a window in a reduced representation, such as pictograms or bar graph.
- Close: 1 Fenstre reduced to a pictogram or Blaken.
- Move: Allowed moving (pulling) of a window on the screen without the size of the window to change.
- Resize: dirce a size variation of the window.
- Full Size: The maximum allowed immediately extend a window.
- Small Size: a window directly reduced to its minimum size.
- Scroll: lets the window vertically or horizontally happen ...
- Define: allows the definition of a window.
- Bring-to-front: takes the selected window in the foreground image (for overlapping windows).
- Sent-to-back: moves the selected window in the background (with overlapping windows).
- Menu bar: often at the top level windows
- Pull-down menu is visible, unless or until mouse is pressed for example On menu bar anchored. It opens to the bottom, when you move the mouse pointer over the menu title runs.
- Drop-down menu appears, without that mouse button, the cursor will only object moving.
- Context menus: A pop-up can only be in the places in an application to be opened where it makes sense. It can be special tools or a command selection, which in this section of the software can be used and can be anywhere on the screen.

Symbols (icons)

Graphic symbols, the use of computers, instruments, but also with graphical display. The SYmbole represent different objects, such as documents, windows, actions, ...

Icons are used for the representation of:
Expiration end processes with the possibility of interference


Command button to play an important role in the interaction between humans and computers. Command buttons are available as Cancel, OK or command button available.
Check boxes are a way to select any one or more options to realize.
Option buttons can always just one of several


TextBox: It serves to enter alphanumeric data on the keyboard or the clipboard to a program. Input fields can occur in several variants: Single line or multiline, scrollbars can optionally be displayed, the maximum length of text can be set.
Listbox is used to give the user the ability to give out a list oedr several items.

Leisten (Bars)

Toolbar is composed of one or several buttons, for example, performed to edit files such as Save, Open.
StatusBar is used to provide information about the status of an application.
Progressbar is used to inform the user about the progress of a process to inform.
Register consists of one or more flaps, which always can be selected.
Slider will find their application, where the user has a value of a fixed set of numerical values linearly arranged with constant Abstënden.


Baumansicht is used to collect data in a tree structure. Example of this is the file system. These nodes can be further nodes and leaves. Leaves are node, the node no further information.
Listenansicht is used by several elements. It is possible to select multiple columns and graphics for the elements firmly.


During the dialogue and interaction management, the intuitive operation of the user support:
Ideally, the user should be to him on the screen just as well-known symbols real objects can be manipulated.
Where object-action principle: Only select object, then the object for the kinds of actions an action.
Order input masks in traditional programs will be rigidly set, the program guides the user that he has less Freihieten.

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Following the book
Following the book, we can speak about next things: kamera.

A digital fotokamera draws pictures and stores them in digital form. The individual images are usually on the pc, where they are processed, stored and printed.
Important selection criteria for digital camera:

-Picture capacity.

Digital camcorder:

When recording with dv-camcorder are two important things: One is the recording sensor supplied by the picture digital This means that a special chip in the camera, the colors and speed lim every single point in the video image into a pay values translated. Since the quantity of such data videofilmes with his 25 pictures per second, however, would be too high for them to the relatively small and slow in the current magnetband dv-kassette disk, you will not only pay for conversion into digital values But simultaneously a compression of images.
These cameras have:
-Resolution: The digital video images from a dv-kamera bestteht from 720 * 576bild points, for a total of 414,729 pixels.
-CCD-anzahl: Most of your camcorder for the amateur range ccd-sensor have a few models in the area have opposed semi over 3 ccds.


A webcam is a video camera, which happens to komminikation used the internet. input

The processing of audio information is similar to that of image over informationen.Diese task usually the computers a sound card, but when the analog input to digital information is converted and in a rückum wandlung issue.
The processing of naturally spoken speak divided into two part resort:

-Spracher identification: It should be noted, was speaking wurde.bestimmte muster by comparison must recognize and be processed.

-Identification sprecherer this involves the investigation who spoke. The basis of the language sounded bildes we checked who the speakers.

1.1.3. From relea Bildchirm

The bildchirm is one of the most commonly used ausga begeräte, the data are used for the eye temporarily visible on screen. In order for the monitor knows what he represented, he gets his signals from the graphics card in the pc as picture signals and synchronisations signals, which the vertical and horizontal control Aurich Tung

The main male merk schimkarte are the picture resolution, bit depth and performance of analog digital-wanslers

Today monitors use different techniques to display images from the characters; As cathode ray tubes, liquid crytall displays (lcd) us plasma screens.

Kathoden beam tube (ctr): it is the most common used anzeige.die crt is a vaku to glasröhre electrons with a gun on one side and a materials coated with phosphorescent screen on the other seite.wir electrons gun at the electrical voltage applied, creates a electrons flow, bundled into a beam.

Liquid crystal display (LCD):In enclosed glass surfaces substances get through a voltage other optical properties, it is between light transmittance and light changed, allowing the viewer a controlled pixel light or dark.
Control is generally through a matrix of electrodes, but it can also use laser beam heats the liquid crystals, and thereby increase the polarization behavior changed. LCD screens are very shallow water, have a low weight and low power consumption.
In LCD-Schirmen active, the individual pixels on thin-film individually activated. The result is a spicy, flicker-free image (even at low refresh rates). The color calibration for the printing technology is hardly possible.

Plasma screen: it consists of two glass plates between which ionized gas (plasma) is included. In one of the glass plates are thin, horizontal energie, in the other glass plate vertical.
Plasma monitors are flat and very easy (for example, is a 53 cm-Bildschirm only 6 cm thick and weighs just a few kilograms)
Plasma screens are still expensive, have a high power consumption, as compared with cathode ray monitors a low resolution and colour depth.
Die optische Qualität der Bildschirmanzeige wird durch folgende Faktoren bestimmt:

Bildchirmgrösse: The required size of the screen depends on the specific task. Graphical tasks require a larger screen than tasks, which with text or numbers worked.

Resolution: It is in the horizontal and vertical direction represented the total number of pixels.

Color Display: The display of colors, depending on the ranges used video and graphics cards from monochrome to con millions of colors.

Bildwiederholffrequenz: The image reconstruction wood frequency depends on the post-burn time of phosphorus.
The screen surface: The surface should be possible choices, screen devices are set up so that no barrier or light sources into their clippings. The contrast between characters and background should be freely adjustable and between 1:5 to 1:5.
The higher the resolution, color depth and refresh rate, the greater are the demands on the graphics card. .

The development of LCD projectors similar to that of slide projectors, instead of a slide, a backlit LCD panel and with the help of a lens projected on the wall. This one makes you look at the effect of the birefringent optical effect of the liquid crystals when a voltage to use.
Established data projectors for the presentation of computer and video images, but also in the entertainment electronics find it more and more.
The quality of the projector is determined by the brightness of the resolution, as well as equipment such as interfaces, as Zusatzaeinrichtungen laser pointer, speaker.
Looking at the trends in the graphic output, it shows a tendency for one reduction in the form of so-called Microdesplays project.
On the other sides tries, three-dimensional objects on display screens. PRINTERS

Printers are output devices that are visually represented data on print makers spend. By contrast, the production data visually legible. It distinguishes between attack printers and stop free printers. Stop pushers bring the color by mechanical shock to the paper. The impact printer without mechanichen attack, they are much quieter, but no blueprints.

Thermal printer
Wärmeempfindliches paper is a matrix of Heitzstäben to the respective agencies erwämt. The paper wärmmeemppfindliche reagiertr to mechanical pressure and is not filing for longer suitable.


For small jets will be in a matrix, or by direct diversion of the jet ink on an absorbing paper axes. The advantage of inkjet printers is an almost silent operation with good quality printing in color. The print speed is between 2 and 20 pages per minute.

Laser Printers

The operation is similar to a photocopier, the print quality of laser printers is very good, the printing speed is very high.

Color Laser
The laser printing with full-color, as in the offset printing with four colors and requires four printing stations to raise the toner to the print medium.

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First Class
1. Grundlagen der Informationsverarbeitung

The first part is busy with the representation of information in computer systems. Besides, these also become units for the amount in information like the Beispeil for the storage capacity aingeführt.

The second part Is about approach of computer systems. Among other things it is explained here which factors determine the speed of a computer system.

The third part presents finally the usual warehouse media and their typical qualities.

1.1 Benutzerschnittstelle

The user interface is for the user visible part of the interaction interface of a software product.This includes all units, forms and techniques through which the user with the computer system communicates.This user interface is to a certain extent dependent on the hardware and the operating software of the system and of course directly dependent on the use of application software.
Under user interface are all those parts of a computer system, taken together, the user can perceive.The user interface is primarily a function of available inputs and output devices, and in addition, the associated software;Under user interface is both hardware and software.The user interface defines largely determine how the user with a system that can work.The design must be governed by the respective addressees district judge, according to his requirements, his habits and his skills.
The user interface with many factors determine the shape of the interaction between the user and the computer system.The human-computer interaction is a mutual exchange of information between the user and the system, this is the nature of things is usually bound and formalized, at least in modern interktiven systems is the control in the Regal case the user

1.1.2 Input

Visual elements have a perceptible physical shape, in contrast to the acoustic and tactile elements in the time running, volatile processes.On the input side keyboards and pointing devices than traditional instruments available.Detection devices for Hand-Kopf-Augen-und body movements occur in the form of data gloves, helmets and Datenanzügen or camera configurations.For the audio input will be used microphones.

Keys are entering elements that allow a fixed alphabet characters enter.The signs must not required letters or numbers, but it can also include other symbols.
In the case of a standard PC keyboard today is a micro-processor that to the change in the river flow recognizes what button is pressed, for example, has been released.The microchip the keyboard transmits a code that identifies the button on the machine.The basic input / output system of the computer converts the code into the computer used by the character set and writes about it in an `S peicherpuffer from which the operating system can read the sign.

By the nature of the data to different man:Numeric keyboard, alphanumeric keyboard, function keyboard, layered keyboards.

With an ergonomic design of the work place should be independent of the keyboard and screen freely movable.The arrangement of the keys according to the standard typewriter, which is distributed internationally.The function acts are the work task and lift divided by color, shape and arrangement.

In selecting the keyboards following points should be observed:
a)The keyboard is very flat front, so that the ball can be laid out
b)Allow a fold-out stand ergonomic list
c)The individual keys are curved inwards, so that the security meeting will be heard
d)The keyboard may not reflect
e)The keys have a significant pressure point
f)The keyboard should not slip
g)And finally, the keyboard stable, heavy keyboards are therefore preferable

-Laser keyboard
A laser on a tabletop or other opaque flat surface a keyboard layout in a size of approximately 241 x 106 mm.Infrared sensors touch from the finger movements and set them in order Keystrokes.The Erkennungsprinzio based on the fact that the infrared layer interrupted, the resulting UV-Reflektion generated by the sensor detected in 3 dimensions and coordinates assigned. Showing instruments

The function of the finger and Positioniergeräten is finding through to including the selection of visual information or pictured visualized objects on the user interface of Elle, and possibly their Positonierung.It can be one or several selected objects to be manipulated.
At devices will show the movements of the device into electrical signals, as a coordinate pair weiterverarbeit and according to the location of a point on the screen.Once the device is tampered with, altered its position of the cursor on the screen Mouse

A mouse is an input device, the two-dimensional movement on a flat surface of a Positioierungsmarke is tracked on the screen.It has triggering selektierne with which the objects can be activated.With the use of graphical user interfaces, the mouse as an input tool widely distributed.

Advantages: Advantages of the mouse you are fast and simplified command input to the keyboard.The precise positioning can be the smallest bodies characters on the screen respond, which is also the suitability for graphical applications.From the manufacturer is preisgüngstige and offers an extensive "mouse-compatible" software offering.

Disadvantages:The disadvantages of the mouse are initial coordination problems of the eye and hand, which is not always want to Vërfügung standing flat surface, and pollution and wear and tear (especially for mechanical mice) Trackball

The roller ball is an input device like a mouse, the ball rolling on the surface and is located about one-third is visible.To control the Coursors is just the ball with the fingers moving without the ball rolling housing moves.With the rolling ball is a simple, lightning and exact positioning possible, but it is getting used.Use of the trackball finds especially notebooks. Accessibility for notebooks

Since laptops are often used mobil, we tried dei number of the devices for the operation to a minimum.Furthermore, it is not always just a space for the operation of the mouse is available. Joystick and Gamepad

The joystick is a joystick, with a large number of input keys, whose motion in two axes, and to a cursor controls.It is frequently used in computer games.Depending on the position change is another resistance value produced, the size of the computer, as he controlled the figure to steer.The force-feedback technology, the joystick reacts mechanically via a back-channel signals generated by the computer.With this joystick, for example, users of racing simulations, the forces of a car as a real benefit.

A gamepad is an input device, which looks like the joystick funktionsähnliche especially for the control of computer games thought.A gamepad is in its simple form a handy device that is usually on the left side of a tax Cross and on the right side of a series of buttons, which vary depending on the game shows.The domain of the Game Pads is therefore especially actionlastige games, a precise, catchy require control.For game consoles, the game pad is the most important and often the only input device. Data Glove

With the Data glove covered with appropriate sensors, the movements of the fingers and hands and reconstructed so that the movements of the hand.He is displaying an input device, with the man three-dimensional objects in virtual spaces can manipulate.You can be a virtual hand grip, rotate, move; You can even take a pen and write with him.Unlike the mouse and other input devices, the data glove, is a much dimensionally input device.

During the lesson we spoke also about the Sensorbildschirm and the lightpen, but they are not the main elements. image information

With the input of image data can be made between the collection of standing and moving images.When entering a standing image, the image point by point and scanned into a computer graphic format of the converted.The resulting image can be processed, embedded in the text and sent electronically.

Bildein scanner are times in which an image or a text lines - and pointwise scanned wird.ein lichtstrahl (laser) scans the various points of the presentation to register and you lim lihood speed differences, which in digital form as a raster image can be stored.
The gas can be scanned image point would bear more involved, regardless of whether it is text or a picture. Text, with a scanner were scanned, with texter detection programs to be processed.
Because of the design contrast, the sign with a stored template and compared to the corresponding characters transformed.

Following devices ty groups can be distinguished:

-Flat bed scanner.
-Stab- details or scanner.

Important criteria for selection of scanners:
-Gray depth.
-Maximum resolution.
-Schitts tellen.
-Auxiliary software included.
-The maximum available large. Readers

Schriftenleser optical or magnetic recognize the importance of individual, the number of stored data sources and then automatically processed in encoding. These are pre-defined areas of the disk evaluated, in which the characters in machine-readable form. The layout of the data carrier is not covered.
Klarchriftbelege are both mechanically than with the eye-readable paper documents. The writings are normalized, in Scanners characters are optically read. The signals are received by a target set of patterns and each character is assigned to the appropriate importance.
Manuscript readers: manuscripts are sometimes difficult for people to see for machines is the identification process even more difficult. Handwriting readers evaluate only Blockbuchstabenaus.
Bar code readers: characters, primarily digits, in the form of strong among different bars. As an information carrier serves to paper in the form of labels or the packaging. With the help of a scanner will read the bar code and CNC processed. For humans is the bar code unreadable.

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