Christa's Weblog NIM
Samstag, 24. Juni 2006
Ich habe an meinem Computer einen Portscan durchgeführt und folgendes Ergebnis erhalten:

Your system ports are now being scanned and the results will be returned shortly...
Results from quick scan at TCP/IP address:

Ideally your status should be "Blocked". This indicates that your ports are not only
closed, but they are completely hidden (stealthed) to attackers.

Service Ports Status Additional Information
FTP DATA 20 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
FTP 21 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
SSH 22 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
TELNET 23 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
SMTP 25 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
DNS 53 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
DCC 59 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
FINGER 79 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
WEB 80 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities.
POP3 110 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
IDENT 113 CLOSED This port has responded to our probes. This means that you are not running any application on this port, but it is still possible for someone to crash your computer through known TCP/IP stack vulnerabilities.
Location Service 135 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
NetBIOS 139 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
HTTPS 443 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
Server Message Block 445 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
SOCKS PROXY 1080 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
UPnP 5000 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
WEB PROXY 8080 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.

Results from scan of commonly used trojans at TCP/IP address:
Service Ports Status Possible Trojans
Trojan 1243 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
Trojan 1999 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
Trojan 6776 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
Trojan 7789 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
Trojan 12345 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
Trojan 31337 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
Trojan 54320 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.
Trojan 54321 BLOCKED This port has not responded to any of our probes. It appears to be completely stealthed.

Results from scan of ICMP at TCP/IP address:

Protocol Type Status Additional Information
ICMP 8 BLOCKED An ICMP ping request is usually used to test Internet access. However, an attacker can use it to determine if your computer is available and what OS you are running. This gives him valuable information when he is determining what type of attack to use against you.

You are not fully protected:
We have detected that some of our probes connected with your computer.

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Mit den Ergebnissen dieses scans bin ich grundsätzlich zufrieden da der größte Teil geblockt ist was heißt, dass ich eine Firewall benützte die meinen Rechner nach aussen hin abschirmt und ich somit einigermaßen sicher im Internet unterwegs bin.

Die beiden closed sind nicht weiter schlimm da das erste bei www bedeutet dass der Port über den ich im internetsurfe, also internetexplorer, geöffnet ist- dies muss so sein wenn ich surfe. Der 2. closed bei IDENT ist auch nicht so schlimm da dies ein standartdienst auf unis system ist.

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