some more questions

stefanie.schwaiger.uni-linz, 1. Mai 2011, 18:32

so I have been working on my paper a lot and the more I work on it, the more questions I have... Maybe you can help me with some of them:

How do I deal with gender? for example he/she, herself/himself, etc. This looks so weird and is very disturbing when reading. How do you guys handle this?

Can we use subheadings? You know how they use those bold subheadings in articles? Do you think it is possible for our papers too? It would make it easier for the reader to get the structure.

In what tense do you write your conclusion?

I also have information from some other courses, but unfortunately they do not offer citations on their slides; do you think i can still use them?

Thanks for your help already!



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meifen.jin.uni-linz, 1. Mai 2011, 23:19

Hi Stef,

as I remembered correctly we can't use subheadings according to Mr. Brewster.

Actually I don't know what's your title of your paper and with which aspect you deal with the gender. However I would like to give you some advice. You can probably write about the gender differences in the work field, the role of women and men in the private life or in the society and so on. I hope I can help you a little bit.

By the way, I have written my conclusíon in presence.

Good night!


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