It's a long way

pia.haslinger.uni-linz, 5. April 2011, 11:38

Last week in class assignment was to examine three different texts all about the same topic – spinach and why we don’t like it. The point of this exercise was to see three different types of texts. One was an academic written one, the second was popular writing and the third one was hard to dertemine but somewhere in the middle.

What I learned from reading these texts is that I will try to find some red line that goes through my paper to make it more interesting for the reader. It is also easier to follow the text if there is a certain flow in it.

Homework was pretty difficutl this week I think. Writing our conclusion without even having our paper written yet? How should that be possible? Well I did it and let’s see how consistent this conclusion will be.  


Hope you’re having good progress in writing your paper and see you in class



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Just in time, once again!:-D

doris.baier.uni-linz, 6. April 2011, 09:38


Once more I have to admire your perfect time-management in making your blog entries;-)

I am glad you mentioned the introduction and conclusion since I also had some problems with doing our homework for this week:-( I hope you got helpful critique and that doing this week's homework (what is it, by the way??) will be easier.

See you soon^^


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