Katharina's writing blog - the next step

katharina.thuerriedl.uni-linz, 2. April 2011, 20:07

So, we are supposed to write the introduction and the conclusion. The introduction worked out so lala, as it is mostly what I wrote in the proposal. But the conclusion - no way - I have no conclusion yet, as my paper will discuss the subject. So, how am I supposed to know the outcome?????Stirnrunzelnd

It seems that I still wait for a "final" feedback to get really started......

See you next Tuesday,


4 comments :: Kommentieren

hey ;)

alexandra.walter.uni-linz, 4. April 2011, 18:34

I am really happy that someone has the same problems than me ;)

I also do not know what I should write down in my conclusion. As you said, the outcome is not sure at this point of writing. I hope that we get tomorrow some advices and hope that we do not have to hand in our drafts, because my conclusion is almost emty.


see you tomorrow!

yours, alex

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katharina.thuerriedl.uni-linz, 5. April 2011, 10:12

I have NO conclusion yet......

See you later, Katharina

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stefanie.schwaiger.uni-linz, 5. April 2011, 10:39

I am really looking forward to what Mr. Brewster is going to say about theses introductions and conclusions... Most people (including myself) who are still blogging don't seem to have an idea on how to write the conclusion... :(

But well, I wasn't sure about my first draft of the proposal either, but by now everyone in class obviously has an at least alright version of their proposal!

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doris.baier.uni-linz, 6. April 2011, 09:29

So how did it work out with the conclusion for you?^^ I got some feedback on my outline but due to my own fault there was no feedback possible on my introduction and conclusion (waaah, I am too lazyD-:)

But I agree with you, how can you write a conclusion if you argue the topic in the paper??? I need more directions to do this, Mr. Brewster!!:-(

Hope you have a lot of inspiration while writing your paper^^


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