First reflective piece

philip.mandorfer.uni-linz, 10. März 2013, 11:50


After joining the MGB-ACT program this year, I personally can see a big improvement concerning my language skills. My oral skills had the best improvement. After 8 months of talking to native English speaking students and professors, I´m feeling much more comfortable during conversations in English. Still my writing skills need some more improvements. Specifically in terms of the variety of words I can improve a lot. Sometimes, while writing a paper, I´m struggling finding the right phrase to express my ideas and opinions. This normally will then lead to misunderstanding of the whole paper. At times, the sentence structure and also the grammar have to be improved. These fields are the most important ones. Where I have also sometimes issues is toexpress myself in a clear way. Hopefully, I can enhance this problem through extending my vocabulary. Furthermore, having a bigger vocabulary will also help me to understand academic papers easier. To manage discussions on a higher academic level would be also possible. These are the main areas, where I want to improve my skills over the next 12 weeks.


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