8th entry
michael.korntner.uni-linz, 1. Dezember 2012, 17:40
Dear colleagues,
I think with this entry I am now up-to-date again, is that rigth or should I have even one more entry already (8 or 9)? This problem with my blog or wa sit my own mistake was really crazy. But now I am in again.
Last session we handed in our first draft of the paper and I was pretty satisfied with the outcome. Furthermore, we had to write an abstract of 200 words which was again not enough for me. But i managed to stay within this limitation. Can anyone tell me how to generally shorten my texts?
Another task for this week was to prepare a mock-up of our poster. As I never did something like that I am really looking forward to the feedback on it!
See you, Michael
theresa.irresberger.uni-linz, 4. Dezember 2012, 16:27
hey michael,
I was also struggling with this blog and its weird actions :-) Now I think it's working again but with the good side-effect that not everything is visible for the whole www. I guess that was one reason for the misleading circumstances.
I also haven't ever done anything like a "mock-up" before. Honestly I also don't see such a high sense in that (especially because we have to print it in a flipchart-size in january) but anyway, I am always open for something new.
Considering the shortening of the abstract I was surprisingly not struggling at all. In contrast: I always tend to wirte too little instead of too much. As a good advice I can recommend you the following: just write down 5 words before you make up the abstract, and make sure that they are the key words which are best describing your paper. Out of them you just form a text and then you will certainly not exeed 200 words.
Good luck for that,