Montag, 8. Juni 2009


Michael Erbschwendtner
Blastraße 12
1234 Foobarhausen

Eintrag vom 2009-06-08 17:38

Fehlermeldungen 2009-04-24 005 RELIABILITY On very high system load, an audio interrupt may occur while the audio process is filling audio ring buffers. This triggers bogus (and useless) correction code in the audio(4) driver causing the audio application to go out of sync, and in turn causing continuous stuttering until the application is restarted. 2009-04-24 004 RELIABILITY In server mode when in full-duplex mode (the default) aucat(1) will send each synchronization message twice, causing client applications to think that buffer underruns are occuring. Depending on the application, this may cause the sound to stutter.