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(2008-06-25 23:08)

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Home : Donnerstag, 22.05.2008

OpenSearch and Sherlock search engine support

Experimentally I tried to add OpenSearch and Sherlock search engine support to my blog.


OpenSearch is supported by Firefox 2+ and IE 7. Resources:

I created an OpenSearch description file and uploaded it on my blog: opensearch.xml (xml, 1 KB)

Sadly I cannot add the file to the layout itself, so there is a bit of dependency between the layout used and the files in the blog the layout is applied to.

A reference to the OpenSearch description file must be added to the HTML head by updating your layout's main page:
<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href="<% site.url %>getfile?name=opensearch.xml" title="OpenSearch <% site.title %>" />

Browsing my blog should add a search engine option to Firefox and IE.


Sherlock is a searching tool developed by Apple.

Sherlock plugin description file: sherlock.src (src, 1 KB)

Sherlock untested yet.

Update: No success adding sherlock support, probably already outdated? Will stop trying

RSS feed icon in IE and Firefox

Internet Explorer and Firefox (and probably other browsers as well) support an RSS feed icon being activated/displayed if a webpage offers a rss feed. The default layout already provides a link but due to a false mime-type its not recognized by Firefox or IE. Add the following link tag to your HTML headers in main page layout:
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="<% site.title %>" href="<% site.url %>rss">
