Integration test for my QuickTime Streaming movie
Juergen.Hartl.uni-linz, Montag, 23. Juni 2008, 20:49 (0 comments)
With Javascript support:
Integration test for my Flash animation
Juergen.Hartl.uni-linz, Montag, 23. Juni 2008, 16:25 (0 comments)
kommentierenThis story is just to test integration of a Flash animation into my blog.
- Sunlight.mp3
- morningsunlight.mp3 (mp3, 4,111 KB)
- read-think-learn.swf (swf, 7 KB)
Fehlender "Label" für Formularelemente bei Accessability Prüfung
Juergen.Hartl.uni-linz, Mittwoch, 28. Mai 2008, 17:33 (1 comment)
kommentierenBei Accessability Prüfungen wie etwa mit WAVE - web accessibility evaluation tool ist eine Fehlermeldung ähnlich 'ERROR: Form label missing::A form <input>, <select>, or <textarea> does not have a corresponding label' gekommen. Der Grund dafür ist, wie die Meldung sagt, das fehlen eine <label> Elements für jedes Formular-Element wie Eingabefelder oder Checkboxes
Zur Korrektur des Problems muss man einfach das label tag in das Formular einfügen. In vielen Fällen wird das zu bezeichnende Formular-Element bereits eine Beschriftung besitzen, nur ist diese eben nicht von einem label tag eingeschlossen. Wichtig beim Hinzufügen des label tags:
- Das label tag muss das Attribut for="id des zu bezeichnenden elements" gesetzt haben
- Das zu bezeichnende Element muss das Attribut id, und nicht nur das Attribut name, gesetzt haben (zB. id="username"). Die id muss eindeutig sein auf der Seite.
<label for="loginform_username">Username:</label><input name="username" id="loginform_username" type="text" /><Add comment to a story by double-clicking anywhere in the story
Juergen.Hartl.uni-linz, Mittwoch, 28. Mai 2008, 12:30 (0 comments)
kommentierenI added a feature that allows a user to quickly add a comment to a story by simply double-clicking anywhere within the story text. This is done with the help of a javascript library thats allows to open a popup with a comment edit form.
It was not so easy to add the proper javascript to the skins, especially to hand over the html code to be displayed in the popup. I added custom story and site skins for popup comment form and popup caption
Create blog header image read-think-learn
Juergen.Hartl.uni-linz, Montag, 26. Mai 2008, 11:02 (1 comment)
kommentierenI am trying to create a blog header image according to my idea. I searched for black and white images of books, thinker of rodin and chess in At first I wanted to add big-lettered single words for "read", "think", "learn" overlapping the image of books, thinker and chess respectively. But when I searched for ways to make text transparent or a similar effect, I found a page explaining how to create image that is outlined by text:
I decided to go for that and made a few versions of the header image, with gaps between the 3 parts and without, with more or less transparency and so on. Lacking experience as designer and as well as the tool I used (Adobe Photoshop CS 3) I finally took the image I liked best so far.
It has a special property to make it suitable for different layouts: There is no 100% background color, only a 50% white fill layer. So by setting the background-color css style for the image, you can basically give the image a slight hue in a color matching your layout. In my case, its the layout.titlecolor.
Download link for zipped header-image project: /9756179/getfile?name=header-image_read-think-learn
Customize skin 'Main page of a single day', Naming error
Juergen.Hartl.uni-linz, Montag, 26. Mai 2008, 07:06 (0 comments)
kommentierenTry to "iconify" my layout
Juergen.Hartl.uni-linz, Montag, 26. Mai 2008, 00:09 (0 comments)
I try to add icons to my layout for action-links, menu-items, etc.
OpenSearch and Sherlock search engine support
Juergen.Hartl.uni-linz, Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2008, 18:59 (0 comments)
kommentierenExperimentally I tried to add OpenSearch and Sherlock search engine support to my blog.
OpenSearch is supported by Firefox 2+ and IE 7. Resources:
I created an OpenSearch description file and uploaded it on my blog: opensearch.xml (xml, 1 KB)
Sadly I cannot add the file to the layout itself, so there is a bit of dependency between the layout used and the files in the blog the layout is applied to.
A reference to the OpenSearch description file must be added to the HTML head by updating your layout's main page:
<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href="<% site.url %>getfile?name=opensearch.xml" title="OpenSearch <% site.title %>" />
Browsing my blog should add a search engine option to Firefox and IE.
Sherlock is a searching tool developed by Apple.
Sherlock plugin description file: sherlock.src (src, 1 KB)
Sherlock untested yet.
Update: No success adding sherlock support, probably already outdated? Will stop trying
RSS feed icon in IE and Firefox
Juergen.Hartl.uni-linz, Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2008, 17:11 (0 comments)
kommentieren<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="<% site.title %>" href="<% site.url %>rss">